Madbyte Token
Buy and sell MADX tokens
on BSC and Fantom networks
at PancakeSwap and SpookySwap
Buy and sell MADX tokens
on BSC and Fantom networks
at PancakeSwap and SpookySwap
Madbyte [MADX] on FTM network can be bought and sold
on SpookySwap, SpiritSwap, Sushi, Solidly plus others.
A small purchase of MADX on SpookySwap will cost
in most cases less than $0.001 in transaction fees.
Madbyte on BSC network can be bought and sold using PancakeSwap.
Buying a small amount of MADX will cost, in most cases well over $0.20 per transaction.
Though tiny in comparsion to Ethereum network fees
it is a massive difference to Fantom's low fees.
The MADX token can be found on several different blockchains.
To move from one blockchain to another, a bridge is required.
The MADCAPX Membership Panel is a
centralized bridge to move between the different networks.