MADX Token on Fantom

Madbyte [MADX] on FTM network can be bought and sold
on SpookySwap, SpiritSwap, Sushi, Solidly plus others.
A small purchase of MADX on SpookySwap will cost
in most cases less than $0.001 in transaction fees.

MADX Token on Binance Smart Chain

Madbyte on BSC network can be bought and sold using PancakeSwap.
Buying a small amount of MADX will cost, in most cases well over $0.20 per transaction.
Though tiny in comparsion to Ethereum network fees
it is a massive difference to Fantom's low fees.

MADX Token Bridge

The MADX token can be found on several different blockchains.
To move from one blockchain to another, a bridge is required.

The MADCAPX Membership Panel is a
centralized bridge to move between the different networks.

Links to MADX Charts on Coinmarketcap

Other Madbyte Projects